
Church Reopening Plan


祈禱會 早上10時15分至11點
粵語崇拜* 早上11時15分
英語崇拜 早上11時15分(第二及第四週主日)
英語主日學 早上10時15分至11時
粵語主日學 暫時取消至另行通知
以斯帖團契 暫時取消至另行通知


保羅團契 晚上7時30分 (每月兩次)
提摩太團契 晚上7時正 (每週)



卑斯省政府鼓勵我們在室內聚會戴口罩,保持社交距離。 因此,我們維持了2020年8月推出的安全指引。

當教會開放時, 將實施以下措施,多謝你的合作。請在聚會前經常查看並遵守指引。


  • 生病或感冒時不要參加聚會(症狀包括:發燒、發冷、咳嗽、噴嚏、呼吸急促、喉痛、鼻涕、失去嗅覺或味覺、頭痛、疲勞、腹瀉等)。


  • 為了在聚會中彼此保持距離,上層最大的容量為29人,地庫為12人。

  • 如果您會邀請新朋友參加崇拜,請通知牧者或執事,以便作出安排。


  • 教會的前門是唯一的入口和出口。

  • 教會的前門將於主日上午10:05開放,讓參加祈禱會的弟兄姊妹進入教會。

  • 教會的前門將於早上11:05再開放,讓參加崇拜的弟兄姊妹進入教會。

  • 等候進入教會時,如果有人在排隊,請根據地面上的標記,與其他等候者保持距離排隊。


  • 記錄點名 (包括新來賓姓名和電話號碼)

  • 確保有戴口罩 (如果沒有,將提供);

  • 提供消毒液清潔雙手;

  • 提供筆和奉獻封;

  • 派發聖餐杯套 (每月的第一個主日)

  • 指示你座位編排。


  • 教會內所有座位相距約2米。同一家庭的家人可以坐在一起。

  • 廚房將關閉,請自備水瓶。


  • 崇拜程序表將於崇拜前放在座位上。

  • 崇拜聚會時間盡量不超過1小時15分鐘。

  • 奉獻箱放置於大堂方便收集獻金。

  • 講臺設置隔離板; 其他講者與會眾之間也有隔離板。

  • 唱詩時需保持戴上口罩。


  • 鼓勵離開教會大樓之前,用消毒液清潔雙手。

  • 散會後請在教會的前院和側院進行互動,彼此問安。

  • 如有任何問題或關注,歡迎向牧者查詢。


Physical Cantonese Prayer Meeting 10:15-11:00 am
Physical Cantonese Worship Service* 11:15 am
Physical English Worship Service 11:15 am (2nd and 4th Sunday); weekly worship for July 2021
Physical English Sunday School 10:15-11:00 am
Cantonese Sunday School Cancelled until further notice
Esther Fellowship Cancelled until further notice


Online Paul Fellowship Bi-weekly 7:30 pm (physical meeting TBA)
Online Timothy Fellowship Weekly 7:00 pm (physical meeting TBA)

* Holy Communion will be held on the first Sunday of each month.

* All Cantonese worship services will be live-streamed, and sermons will be archived later the following week.

Currently, the BC government encourages us to wear masks and maintain social distancing in the indoor gathering. We, therefore, keep the safety guidelines introduced in August 2020.

The following safety guidelines will be implemented when we meet at church and it was a general reminder of the previous practice last year. Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated. Please review this list often before church gatherings.

Capacity Control:

  • To help each other be physically distanced during meetings, the maximum capacity for the sanctuary is 29 and for the basement is 12.

  • If you invite new friends to our worship service, please notify our pastors or deacons to make arrangements.

Before leaving home:

  • Stay home if you are sick or have flu symptoms.

  • Entering into the church building:

  • The only entrance/exit is the front door of the church.

  • The front door of the church will be opened at 10:05 am for people attending the Cantonese prayer meeting and the English Sunday School.

  • Enter through the main entrance, line up apart according to the mark on the ground if someone is ahead of you lining up.

Ushers at the door will:

  • Ensure you are wearing a face mask. If not, a mask will be provided;

  • Provide sanitizer for your hands;

  • Provide pencils and offering envelopes

  • Distribute holy communion set (first Sunday of each month)

  • Check your name against the attendance list (phone number and name of newcomer or visitor will be recorded) (For those who attending the English meetings can go down to the basement.)

  • Advise where you will sit in the sanctuary (both for Cantonese Worship Service and prayer meeting)


  • Seats in the sanctuary and the basement will be arranged 2 metres apart. Family members in the same household can sit together less than 2 metres apart.

  • The kitchen will be closed. Please bring your water bottle.

Order of English Worship Service:

  • Worship Service will not be longer than 1 hour and 15 minutes.

  • The offering box is located on the main floor for collection.

  • Keep your mask on when you are singing.

  • A partition is set up between the speaker and the rest of the group.

After Worship:

  • Sanitize your hands before leaving the church building through the front door

  • You are encouraged to socialize in the front and side yard of the church building after the worship service.