Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, please kindly follow the guideline below when attending meetings in our church:
Please understand your personal safety is our priority and we have taken extra steps to restrain the possible spread of COVID-19 in order to secure your safety in indoor meetings.
The following safety protocol will be implemented when we are meeting physically. Your understanding and cooperation will be appreciated in ensuring safety for one another.
• Stay home if you are sick or have flu symptoms (refer to http://covid-19.bccdc.ca/ for details).
• If you have been travelling outside of Canada, self-isolate at least 14 days before attending church.
Seating Capacity Control:
Church has the responsibility to maintain the maximum capacity for 29 persons for sanctuary and 12 persons for basement. A weekly capacity control needs to be maintained. If possible, please inform the church that you will be attending. Entering into VFAC building:
The only entrance/exit is the front door of the church.
Church’s front door will be opened at 10:05 am for people attending prayer meeting and will be locked at 10:15 am. Church’s front door will be opened at 11:05 for people attending worship service.
Enter through the main entrance of church, line up with 2 metres apart according to the mark on the ground if someone is already waiting in line.
Ushers at the door will assist you to:
Check your name against attendance list (phone number and name of newcomer or visitor will be recorded) • Ensure you are wearing a face mask. If not, face mask will be provided;
Test your body temperature; - provide sanitizer for your hands; - provide gloves if you choose (optional);
Provide pencils and offering envelopes; • Advise where you will sit in the sanctuary or basement (both for Prayer meeting and Worship services);
Seats in the sanctuary and the basement will be arranged 2 metres apart. Family members in the same household can sit together less than 2 metres apart.
Kitchen will be closed completely. Please bring your own water bottle.
Only one person will be allowed in the washroom. A sign and an instruction will be posted on the washroom door to indicate whether it is occupied or vacant.
Changes to Cantonese Worship Service:
Worship Service will not be longer than 1 hour and 15 minutes. Cantonese bulletin and/or holy communion cup/wafer set will be placed on seats before worship service. Offering box is located on main floor for collection. Plexiglass is set up at the podium. Keep your face mask on when you are singing.
After Worship Service, you are encouraged to leave the church building within 15 minutes after worship service. Sanitize your hands before leaving church through the front door.
Handshakes and hugs are discouraged. Smiles under our masks can also convey our love and concern for one another.
You are encouraged to interact with safe distance in the front and side yard of church building after worship service.
We hope that COVID-19 will be over soon and if there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call us at 604-879-6111.
If you develop cold symptoms, fever, coughs, or shortness of breath, please stay at home to worship, thank you!